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(3/5) The Digital Nomad – A New Type Of Tenant

Our Co-living series: Part 1: Co-living – A Fresh Take on Shared Housing Part 2: Co-living Excels in Solving the Problems of the Modern Tenant Part 3: The Digital Nomad – A New Type Of Tenant Part 4: The Business Opportunity of Co-living Part 5: How Co-living Uses Economy of Scale to Generate Profit Co-living […]

Our Co-living series:

Co-living is the final step of a long evolutionary process that began with the birth of the digital nomad.

A digital nomad is a person who works on a computer and is not bound to a specific location.

This is possible, because digital nomads typically pick up professions that are not time or location sensitive, like customer support or finance, where you need to confine your work hours to the work hours of the company.

Instead, digital nomads are programmers, copywriters, graphic designers, online marketing experts, etc which can be executed independently of the business operating hours.

This allows nomads (for short) to be extremely flexible with their working schedule and eliminates the need for office space. Rather than doing 9 – 5 office hours, digital nomads can work at any time and any place – on the beach at 3PM; in the cafe at 7:30AM; in their bed in the middle of the night.

Securing an office space and all the associated costs is a huge expense for employers, so many of them are happy to allow some of their workers off site. In some occasions it could even increase the salary of said employee if they don’t come to the office. It also takes away commute time and expenses and many other associated costs.

Note: The author of this article is also a digital nomad. They are going to enjoy a mint and pineapple cocktail under the warm sun over the Black Sea coast line, immediately finishing this article. The author promises this is not a bragging blog post, but a business opportunity which can earn you money and that there is a reserved mint and pineapple drink for you when that happens.

The digital nomad culture

Not all of the above mentioned professionals become digital nomads, but having a similar profession is essential to becoming one.

This culture was given birth when people realised they can shove their laptop in a backpack and go anywhere they want and do everything they ever dreamed of doing, while still having a job to support themselves.

We don’t want to give you the wrong impression. This article is not about the rich and limitless. Digital nomads work a lot to afford what they do. Sometimes upwards of 10 hours EVERY day.

However, they use the available time when they don’t work to enjoy life and gather experiences while they still can.

Digital nomads are free spirits, usually young people in their 20s or 30s, that have let go of the frantic desire of acquiring property and physical possessions and have realised they want to see the world and experience life while they’re young and strong.

Their motives are different – some want to travel; some do not cope with the traditional boring way of 9-to-5 > home > repeat; others employ different philosophies for what and why they are doing..

However different they may be, all digital nomads unite (mostly) on the following:

A digital nomad can take sudden decisions about major changes in their lives. Any of them can probably pack and be on their way to wherever in under an hour.

A digital nomad has as much possessions as they can carry. Sometimes this includes a car that they own, sometimes not.

A digital nomad hates to be bothered with mundane aspects of everyday life, like chores, bills, rent, repairs, etc.. They prefer to pay once and get everything included and not have to think about it for another 30 or so days.

A digital nomad will focus on enjoying life first and taking on responsibilities second.

Our Co-living series:


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